Airstrike Power-Up

Author: Austin Anderson
Date: 1/18/24

The most significant accomplishment this week was the implementation of the airstrike power-up feature. The development process involved the creation of essential components, starting with the implementation of the bomber. Subsequently, the creation of the bombs was the next crucial step. Finished by the implementation of the preview line to indicate the precise location of the airstrike impact.

My first implementation was that of the bomber itself. I first picked out the right airship for the job, making sure it was a bomber, not a fight spaceship. I then created a button that would spawn the ship and fly it straight forward.

Now that I had the bomber spawning and flying forward, it clearly needed to spawn bombs to drop on it's targets. Again, I found the right asset for the job and then after a certain amount of time, I drop a bomb every .2 seconds until it has dropped 10 bombs. 

Lastly, I needed a preview for where the bombs were going to drop to indicate where the player should drop them. I accomplished this by creating 3D triangles by flattening down cone objects, giving them a green see-through material, then scaling them up, and spreading them out. Now I spawn it and attach it to the player when they press 'Q' and destroy it when the player releases 'Q.'

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